I ventured onto Twitter for the first time this week. I know, I know, I am so behind the times and totally not cool, but I never really understood the draw before. Now that I've been dangling my toes in the bird bath for a couple days I'm starting to get it. Its nice getting my daily cliff notes of everything I should have read or heard about. For example, did you hear Britney Spears joined Path? Haven't we already had a close enough look at her life?
That being said I am totally the nerd who looked at the tutorial just to make sure I got it all. (No shame here, I already admitted how completely uncool I am.) But at least I got on twitter before my husband. He is still standing strong against the tweet wave and offered me no help when setting up my profile.
So now I turn to you for help. Are any of you on twitter? Can you share secrets of the trade and the best tweeters to follow?
I'm with your husband, and standing strong against!