We also ventured out to San Jose one Friday night - I know, we should have known better. We went to sake bar which had great apps and, of course, sake-tinis. But the crowd at this place was nuts. The girls running around made Marina girls look chaste. We ventured back to San Jose during the day but it turned out that Saturday happened to be FanimeCon. If you don't know what that is, consider yourself lucky.
I tried to take matters into my own hands and threw a party for the Tony Awards. I had a few theatre friends come, but other than our guest list consisted of Appletinis and other Tech-ites. I know what you're thinking, techies and Tonys may not be a winning combination. But we created a Tony Bingo game to engage our guests. (And by we I mean I requested a Bingo game and my husband wrote a visual basic macro in excel to make the boards from scratch.) I was actually really impressed with his game. He had squares such as "someone makes a Spiderman joke" and "Neil Patrick Harris costume change." Our technical crew appreciated the "John Malkovich Siri commercial airs" square, but they seemed to quickly lose interest in the game. Don't get me wrong - quite a few people played the game, artsy and techie folks alike, but I quickly realized why we only throw viewing parties for sporting events. The guests are really into the game, and I'm not so I don't mind replenishing platters and mixing drinks. That is not quite the case when it comes to musicals. Back to the drawing board...