Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The iPhone game craze is everywhere, and for some reason controversial. If playing a game keeps a kid quiet in line, or me from eavesdropping on the conversation next to me while my husband is in the restroom - what's the problem? Isn't it better that the kid doesn't cry and I don't snicker at things I shouldn't be hearing?

In my opinion the word games are by far the best. That may be because they are the games in which I have the best chance of winning. That being said, they are really stimulating and should be embraced more in schools. I'm sure I'd be happy if my child was playing word games throughout the day instead of sitting idly - but feel free to ask me that again in 15 years. Words with Friends may not be the most educational game since now people just know the highest scoring 2 letter words, even if they have no idea what xi or qi mean. W.E.L.D.E.R. is a great game if you haven't played it yet. It requires some quiet and concentration, but at least it will give you the definitions for all of the words you don't know.

My favorite game of the moment is Scramble with Friends. DOWNLOAD IT RIGHT NOW and start a game with me. There are not enough people playing this game yet and I am completely hooked. Zynga is getting really sneaky with how to make money on these games by adding the tokens to this one. It's bad enough we have to endure all the crappy ads, but now we have to buy, or wait for tokens to take our turn? Really, Zynga? Really?

All the same download it, start a game with me and play with the sound on. The sound really makes the game.


  1. I think that you are cheating at Scramble. I can't yet prove it, but once I do...

  2. Come back home and I'll take you down in person.
